Monday, March 25, 2019

The Role of the Catholic Church In The New World Essay -- American Ame

The Role of the Catholic church In The New WorldThe Catholic Church during the Middle Ages contend an all encompassing role over the lives of the people and the government. As the blue(a) Ages came to a close the ideas of the Renaissance started to take hold, and the churchs power gradually began to wain. The monarchies of europium also began to grow, replacing the churchs power. Monarchies, at the close of the Middle Ages and the dawn of the Renaissance, did non so untold seek the guidance of the church as much as it sought their approval. However, the Church during the Age of Discovery was still a major influence. The discovery of the New World and its previously unknown inhabitants presented recent problems in the Catholic Church in the late 14th and archaeozoic 15th century. When Spains rulers and emissaries decided to physically conquer and populate the New World, and not just trade with it, the transplantation of Christian institutions followed. The church established touch on with the New World, and made it a goal to establish the Catholic doctrines among the inseparable people there. The Catholic Church and the Spanish monarch, however, looked upon the native population in the New World as souls to be saved. They did not consider or treat the Indians as equals. The implanting of Christianity in the New World, and the treatment of the native population by the missionaries and christian conquerors was detrimental to New World. Through men such(prenominal) as Cortez and Las Casas accounts of the conversions have been recorded. One of the reasons for this was the bond certificate of the Catholic Church with the Spanish monarchy. The status of the Indians was disregarded as the Christian conquers and missionaries who wanted to convert them subjected the... ...d to wee toward goals that they did not fully understand. Through the writings of Las Casas, it is seen how the Indians were slaughtered needlessly, and how they were baptised without rega rd to their feelings. Cortez paved the way for missions to be founded in the New World supposedly for the veracious of the Indian population. This, however, also turned against them. The Catholic Church role in the lives of the native population was a negative one due to its alliance with the Spanish monarchy and its forced conversion of the Indians. Works CitedTerrar, Toby. Catholic Mission memorial and the 500th Anniversary of Christopher Columbuss Arrival, Giles, Thomas S. How Did Native Americans Respond to Christianity? Christian Histoy make love 35 Vol. XI, No. 3. Ricard, Robert. The Spiritual Conquest of Mexico Los Angeles University of California Press, 1966.

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